Política de envío

Free Shipping

We offer free shipping within the lower 48 United States on most orders over $99. Qualifying orders are shipped by UPS, FedEx, or USPS at our discretion. If you feel your order or location should qualify for free shipping but you are being charged for shipping in the shopping cart, please contact us so we can assist you.

*Excludes BAM Wood Violins Viper hard cases (unless purchased and shipping with a Viper instrument). Some other items may excluded based on exceptional size or weight. Exclusions are displayed on product listing.

Transit Times

Free shipping and ground shipping transit time varies, and delivery date is not guaranteed. Weekend days are not included in estimates, although FedEx or USPS delivery may occur on a Saturday. If you require delivery on a specific day,  select an expedited shipping method at checkout or contact us so we can help you choose the best method.

Handling Period

Place your order before 12pm Eastern time to increase the likelihood it ships the same business day. We do our best to ship orders of in-stock items within 1 business day (within 24 hours of order or by end of business on days following weekends or holidays). If an item you ordered turns out to be backordered or otherwise unavailable we will contact you within 1 business day to let you know this and provide a delivery time-frame.

Packaging, Insurance, and Damage Claims

We take great care to carefully package your items securely to protect against possible damage. For instruments, this includes packing the bridge to prevent falling, and placement in a case (or manufacturer's shipping box). The vast majority of our shipments arrive in perfect condition.

For your protection and ours, all shipments are insured for their replacement value. Items damaged in shipping will be replaced or refunded based on our refund policy.

If you receive a shipping box that looks damaged, check the contents before contacting us about potential damance. The shipping box is designed to withstand impact and crushing. In almost all cases, the merchandise inside will be fine despite the condition of the box.

In the rare event that you discover damage to your gear sustained during shipping, contact us immediately so that we can initiate a damage claim on your behalf and work to get your item replaced. You may need to keep the damaged goods, carton and packaging material until a representative of the shipping company can inspect them.